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(A1I0 iphone 5 case gucci:My coworker was playing with his Ip: new section)
(lxyD iphone 5s case:Apple apura el lanzamiento del iPhone 5s: new section)
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My coworker was playing with his Iphone 5 today secretary<br><br>I had this discussion with younger folks (20 to 25) at the university that I am affiliated with. I tend to be in the mindset that you invest well and all that crap. However, the younger folks are not. And it turns out (after much discussion with these folks and behavioral scientists) that their different outlook on finances are a result of having different goals. Not being smarter or stupider. In most cases they are just as intelligent I was when I was their age even though I was investing and heavily focused on wealth generation.<br><br>When I told them that I own my home outright and I'm not even 30 yet, it doesn't phase them. Because they aren't all about "saving". They are all about "life".<br><br>Typically I agree with you on many things but this is not one of them. I really hate it when co workers sit there and scrutinize everything I'm doing and make assumptions about what I've been doing or done.<br><br>I had one of those one time who would always complain that I wasn't doing anything. We had meetings and talks and all kinds of nonsense. It got to the point that we had to fill out a, "What I Did Today" sheet and the manager would check the work.<br><br>I continued as I always had done. I come in, do my work, get finished, ask other departments if they need help, sometimes they did, sometimes they didn't. Sorry, the job was NOT hard, as this co workers tried to make it out to be. It was laughably easy and I would, seriously, be done in two hours.<br><br>In the end, those stupid sheets backfired on nosy co worker. Come to find out, she wasn't up to snuff. I got a raise and promotion, she got a lecture and no raise.<br><br>The way I see it, if the work load is so much, you shouldn't have time to be all up in my business about what I'm doing, you should be busy. If the work load is not that much that you have time to get all upset about what I'm doing, what difference should it make? Go entertain yourself with all of your free time, another way.<br><br>I really hate when co workers complain about the most trivial things.<br><br>If the person is making your work load double, you have PROOF they are not doing their job, (actual proof, not a "feeling"), then go to your manager. Otherwise, who gives a damn what they are doing with their phone. Get to work!<br><br>Steve Jobs really was a genius, wasn't he? He was able to develop a cult like following around grossly overpriced, "pretty" electronic devices that aren't any more functional than much cheaper alternatives.<br><br>This coworker I was talking about said he paid $400 for his new phone and he buys a brand new one every time another "generation" of iPhones comes out. That's a new phone every year. Why? Beats the hell out of me. He also says his phone plan costs around $80 a month.<br><br>Myself? I paid $70 about three years ago for my phone and I plan to keep it until it breaks. I get unlimited data, text, and 300 minutes of voice for $25/month with Virgin Mobile (I'm grandfathered,iphone 5 case gucci, they've recently gone up to $35/month for new subscribers which still isn't a bad deal).<br><br>I laugh at these spendthrifts. Instead of blowing my money like a fool trying to impress people, I invest most of my paycheck for a nice rainy day fund and (hopefully) the ability to retire early.<br><br>I can agree generally that someone shouldn't be distracted with non work activities while at the office. However, this response seems to suggest you are more upset that this person owns a certain brand of electronics that offends you. You then use that as a jumping off point to lecture about fiscal responsibility and then compared your own moral perfection(a three year old phone, a phone bill that's $10 cheaper etc) to this other guy.<br><br>Is there some other reason you don't like this person? Because if its all about electronics, then that's a pretty lame reason.<br><br>I had this discussion with younger folks (20 to 25) at the university that I am affiliated with. I tend to be in the mindset that you invest well and all that crap. However, the younger folks are not. And it turns out (after much discussion with these folks and behavioral scientists) that their different outlook on finances are a result of having different goals. Not being smarter or stupider. In most cases they are just as intelligent I was when I was their age even though I was investing and heavily focused on wealth generation.<br><br>When I told them that I own my home outright and I'm not even 30 yet, it doesn't phase them. Because they aren't all about "saving". They are all about "life".<br><br>For better or worse, I think many of the young people my age have lived a very sheltered existence. When life hits them full force, they will probably change their attitude and mindset pretty quick, mostly out of necessity. If I didn't have to worry about affording a place to sleep at night, I probably would have the same focus and desire as them as well. Being free spirited would be fine, if everything else in this world was free.<br><br>On another note, I'm hoping to buy my first home in the next couple of years. If I play my cards right, I will be able to buy it outright at the current prices. The only question is. Should I pick up a few more along the way (financed of course) as investment properties. Land lording is a big pain in the behind, but so is any wealth generating scheme.
My coworker was playing with his Iphone 5 today secretary<br><br>I had this discussion with younger folks (20 to 25) at the university that I am affiliated with. I tend to be in the mindset that you invest well and all that crap. However, the younger folks are not. And it turns out (after much discussion with these folks and behavioral scientists) that their different outlook on finances are a result of having different goals. Not being smarter or stupider. In most cases they are just as intelligent I was when I was their age even though I was investing and heavily focused on wealth generation.<br><br>When I told them that I own my home outright and I'm not even 30 yet, it doesn't phase them. Because they aren't all about "saving". They are all about "life".<br><br>Typically I agree with you on many things but this is not one of them. I really hate it when co workers sit there and scrutinize everything I'm doing and make assumptions about what I've been doing or done.<br><br>I had one of those one time who would always complain that I wasn't doing anything. We had meetings and talks and all kinds of nonsense. It got to the point that we had to fill out a, "What I Did Today" sheet and the manager would check the work.<br><br>I continued as I always had done. I come in, do my work, get finished, ask other departments if they need help, sometimes they did, sometimes they didn't. Sorry, the job was NOT hard, as this co workers tried to make it out to be. It was laughably easy and I would, seriously, be done in two hours.<br><br>In the end, those stupid sheets backfired on nosy co worker. Come to find out, she wasn't up to snuff. I got a raise and promotion, she got a lecture and no raise.<br><br>The way I see it, if the work load is so much, you shouldn't have time to be all up in my business about what I'm doing, you should be busy. If the work load is not that much that you have time to get all upset about what I'm doing, what difference should it make? Go entertain yourself with all of your free time, another way.<br><br>I really hate when co workers complain about the most trivial things.<br><br>If the person is making your work load double, you have PROOF they are not doing their job, (actual proof, not a "feeling"), then go to your manager. Otherwise, who gives a damn what they are doing with their phone. Get to work!<br><br>Steve Jobs really was a genius, wasn't he? He was able to develop a cult like following around grossly overpriced, "pretty" electronic devices that aren't any more functional than much cheaper alternatives.<br><br>This coworker I was talking about said he paid $400 for his new phone and he buys a brand new one every time another "generation" of iPhones comes out. That's a new phone every year. Why? Beats the hell out of me. He also says his phone plan costs around $80 a month.<br><br>Myself? I paid $70 about three years ago for my phone and I plan to keep it until it breaks. I get unlimited data, text, and 300 minutes of voice for $25/month with Virgin Mobile (I'm grandfathered,iphone 5 case gucci, they've recently gone up to $35/month for new subscribers which still isn't a bad deal).<br><br>I laugh at these spendthrifts. Instead of blowing my money like a fool trying to impress people, I invest most of my paycheck for a nice rainy day fund and (hopefully) the ability to retire early.<br><br>I can agree generally that someone shouldn't be distracted with non work activities while at the office. However, this response seems to suggest you are more upset that this person owns a certain brand of electronics that offends you. You then use that as a jumping off point to lecture about fiscal responsibility and then compared your own moral perfection(a three year old phone, a phone bill that's $10 cheaper etc) to this other guy.<br><br>Is there some other reason you don't like this person? Because if its all about electronics, then that's a pretty lame reason.<br><br>I had this discussion with younger folks (20 to 25) at the university that I am affiliated with. I tend to be in the mindset that you invest well and all that crap. However, the younger folks are not. And it turns out (after much discussion with these folks and behavioral scientists) that their different outlook on finances are a result of having different goals. Not being smarter or stupider. In most cases they are just as intelligent I was when I was their age even though I was investing and heavily focused on wealth generation.<br><br>When I told them that I own my home outright and I'm not even 30 yet, it doesn't phase them. Because they aren't all about "saving". They are all about "life".<br><br>For better or worse, I think many of the young people my age have lived a very sheltered existence. When life hits them full force, they will probably change their attitude and mindset pretty quick, mostly out of necessity. If I didn't have to worry about affording a place to sleep at night, I probably would have the same focus and desire as them as well. Being free spirited would be fine, if everything else in this world was free.<br><br>On another note, I'm hoping to buy my first home in the next couple of years. If I play my cards right, I will be able to buy it outright at the current prices. The only question is. Should I pick up a few more along the way (financed of course) as investment properties. Land lording is a big pain in the behind, but so is any wealth generating scheme.
== lxyD iphone 5s case:Apple apura el lanzamiento del iPhone 5s ==
Apple apura el lanzamiento del iPhone 5s y el iPhone 'low cost'<br><br>El lanzamiento de un nuevo iPhone podra convertirse en cosa de todos los semestres si se confirma el rumor difundido por el Wall Street Journal. Segn sus periodistas especializados en tecnologa (y en informacin clasificada de Apple, vale reconocer),iphone 5s case, la empresa liderada por Tim Cook planea presentar el iPone 5s, el iPad 4 y una nueva versin del iPad Mini.<br><br>Todos estos productos ya estaran en proceso de produccin masiva para ser presentados el 29 de junio. Entonces se confirmara la nueva poltica de la empresa de ofrecer una actualizacin de sus productos cada 6 meses.<br><br>En cuanto a las mejoras del celular, los especialistas dicen que el iPhone 5s incluira avances en el procesador y en la cmara de fotos. Adems, se entusiasman con la posibilidad de una nueva conexin externa: la siempre prometida NFC para comunicar con terminales monetarias.<br><br>Los nuevos productos seran presentados a fines del segundo trimestre del ao. Pero all no se agotaran las novedades. En septiembre, se producira el lanzamiento del muy esperado low cost iPhone, que liberado podra costar unos 350 dlares. Para reducir el precio a la mitad, Apple reemplazara el aluminio y el cristal por una terminacin de plstico con mayor variedad de colores. Adems, se reducira el tamao de la pantalla y algunas funcionalidades. Este producto sera fundamental en la carrera por ampliar la marca a otros segmentos del mercado telefnico.<br><br>QU OPINAS DE ESTA NOTICIA? COMPRARAS UN IPHONE LOW COST?<br><br>El nuevo iPhonePodra tener detector de huellas dactilares.<br><br>Predicciones de lanzamientosEsta tabla preparada por Kuo (y publicada por MacRumors), muestra que la primera mitad del 2013 ser lenta para Apple, pero la mayor parte de los lanzamientos del ao 2012 ocurrieron hacia el final del ao.

Revision as of 13:00, 17 April 2014

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