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Fiscal union imminent for Europe<br><br>As the sovereign debt crisis drags on and with Greek on the brink of default, the Euro area could be barreling toward a new type of fiscal union. Morgan, says pressure for a fiscal union that includes a shift to joint and several liability is coming from the unreliability of some sovereign states in the region.<br><br>developments suggest that the region is moving towards some kind of fiscal union on a must faster timetable than anyone envisaged before the sovereign crisis began, he said in a research note Tuesday.<br><br>As the crisis is expected to escalate over the next few weeks, Mr. Mackie says policymakers are likely to move to expand the European Financial Stability Facility (EFSF), the eurozone bailout fund created in May 2010 with the power to issue bonds, with a joint and several guarantee structure.<br><br>Leaders are also likely to launch an intergovernmental conference on treaty reform,prada ipad mini 2 leather case, he says, which has historically been a drawn out and often bitter process.<br><br>But he says it possible that a new treaty on fiscal union could be reached by just the 17 countries that use the euro in the Economic and Monetary Union rather than all 27 European Union member states.<br><br>In either case, the treaty revision process will take some time.<br><br>an expanded EFSF and more substantial ECB (European Central Bank) bond purchases could give the region a significant amount of breathing space, Mr. Mackie says.<br><br>although the ultimate destination of a fiscal union with common bonds would eliminate much (or all) sovereign risk in the region, the road to that destination is likely to be a rocky one, he adds.
Fiscal union imminent for Europe<br><br>As the sovereign debt crisis drags on and with Greek on the brink of default, the Euro area could be barreling toward a new type of fiscal union. Morgan, says pressure for a fiscal union that includes a shift to joint and several liability is coming from the unreliability of some sovereign states in the region.<br><br>developments suggest that the region is moving towards some kind of fiscal union on a must faster timetable than anyone envisaged before the sovereign crisis began, he said in a research note Tuesday.<br><br>As the crisis is expected to escalate over the next few weeks, Mr. Mackie says policymakers are likely to move to expand the European Financial Stability Facility (EFSF), the eurozone bailout fund created in May 2010 with the power to issue bonds, with a joint and several guarantee structure.<br><br>Leaders are also likely to launch an intergovernmental conference on treaty reform,prada ipad mini 2 leather case, he says, which has historically been a drawn out and often bitter process.<br><br>But he says it possible that a new treaty on fiscal union could be reached by just the 17 countries that use the euro in the Economic and Monetary Union rather than all 27 European Union member states.<br><br>In either case, the treaty revision process will take some time.<br><br>an expanded EFSF and more substantial ECB (European Central Bank) bond purchases could give the region a significant amount of breathing space, Mr. Mackie says.<br><br>although the ultimate destination of a fiscal union with common bonds would eliminate much (or all) sovereign risk in the region, the road to that destination is likely to be a rocky one, he adds.
== PBAT burberry ipad mini 2 case:Translating the Untranslatabl ==
Translating the Untranslatable<br><br>Linguist Christopher J. Moore has made a career of searching out some of the world's most "untranslatable" expressions words from around the globe that defy an easy translation into English. Moore shares a few of his linguistic favorites from his new book In Other Words: A Language Lover's Guide to the Most Intriguing Words Around the World with Renee Montagne.<br><br>From In Other Words:This word from the Tshiluba language of the Republic of Congo has topped a list drawn up with the help of one thousand translators as the most untranslatable word in the world. It describes a person who is ready to forgive any transgression a first time and then to tolerate it for a second time, but never for a third time.<br><br> has no word for "compromise" in the sense of reaching an arrangement via struggle and disagreement. But a much happier concept, taarradhin, exists in . To build up good guanxi, you do things for people such as give them gifts, take them to dinner, or grant favors. Conversely, you can also "use up" your guanxi with someone by calling in favors owed. Once a favor is done, an unspoken obligation exists. Maybe because of this, people often try to refuse gifts, because, sooner or later, they may have to repay the debt. However the bond of guanxi is rarely acquitted, because once the relationship exists, it sets up an endless process that can last a lifetime. The Oxford Dictionary of Quotations defines esprit de l'escalier as, "An untranslatable phrase, the meaning of which is that one only thinks on one's way downstairs of the smart retort one might have made in the drawing room."<br><br>A "raisin pooper" that is, someone so taken up with life's trivial detail that they spend all day crapping raisins. You can spot these types a mile off it's that irritating pen pusher or filing fanatic whose favorite job is tidying up the stationery cupboard.<br><br>This is a word that modern s often use to describe doing something with soul, creativity, or love when you put "something of yourself" into what you're doing, whatever it may be. Meraki is often used to describe cooking or preparing a meal, but it can also mean arranging a room,burberry ipad mini 2 case, choosing decorations, or setting an elegant table.<br><br>A term often translated as "form," but it also has the specific cultural meaning of "the reality that everyone professes to be true, even though they may not privately believe it." For privately held views, the  have a different term, honne, meaning, "the reality that you hold inwardly to be true, even though you would never admit it publicly." The British civil servant muttering the reproach "bad form, old boy" over a drink in the club, may be expressing something very close to the quality of tatamae.<br><br>"As an untranslatable, this one ranks high on my list of favorites. I could not improve on the background given by commentator Boye Lafayette de Mente about this beautiful word, yoko meshi. Taken literally, meshi means 'boiled rice' and yoko means 'horizontal,' so combined you get 'a meal eaten sideways.'This is how the  define the peculiar stress induced by speaking a foreign language: yoko is a humorous reference to the fact that  is normally written vertically, whereas most foreign languages are written horizontally. How do English speakers describe the headache of communicating in an alien tongue? I don't think we can, at least not with as much ease.".

Revision as of 09:19, 5 April 2014

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