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<p>That sixty -year-old man Leng Heng, a powerful pressure momentary action to Chu 's body, but that the old man wanted to let Chu yield with momentum, then it is a wrong idea, the day care of the defense, but up to ten Wan 's, if not in the center, and even bomb attacks can afford, just to mention a little momentum. Chu Feng, so interesting it? Hand over people, between the holidays <strong>ray ban australia</strong> written off, or else...... that middle-aged thirties Road frowned slightly.</p><p>That ye daughters, the first time I abducted and Freeze, okay <strong>ray ban sunglasses</strong> Fudamingtai survived. While ago, Kress also caught blue Wen threatens me and went inside Freeze cloth under her office ! Several, you talk about, is the elder of my group is not worth a dragon ? This is a Phoenix Freeze or daughter no family status ? Or, you override the Holmes family group phoenix dragon clan, family daughter can freely kill Cheap ray bans Sunglasses and Cheap ray bans Sunglasses, she caught you * going to be forced to hand over the people ?</p><p>Why has this truth ? Chu said a slap shot heavily on the coffee table in front of him. Kindred three extremely ugly face, they did not expect a junior, actually pound the table in front of their face and spoke so did nothing taboo ! But this time Chu has not stopped. I say you Holmes family cow B ah, above <strong>Cheap ray bans Sunglasses</strong> China 's land, actually kill a dragon phoenix group of elders as well as the daughter of the family, this thing, Cheap ray bans Sunglasses phoenix clan leader also did not find you afterwards that is their generosity, you very well, but also to come to dignitaries coming!</p>
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<p>很多人在戰場上犧牲了。也有不少將軍在竭盡一切可能進行戰鬥之後。不願淪為俘虜或是斯大林的懲治而自殺身亡。有許多報告談到這種情況。第17摩托機械化軍軍長彼得羅夫少將向鐵木辛哥元帥報告說, <strong>new balance</strong> 的副軍長科若欣自戕身亡……西部特別軍區空軍司令科佩茨自殺……西部特別軍區政治宣傳部部長列斯捷夫在報告中把自殺解釋為由於空軍的部分失利和較大的損失而引起的膽怯心理……當時說的(也許只是害怕被人指責為驚慌失措分子吧?</p><p><strong>NB鞋</strong>,被捲進悲劇件漩渦的某些將軍,其命運比自殺還要悲慘。國家安全機關曾經向斯大林報告說,有兩名將軍自願投降了中國人,而且為中國人效力。一個是原第28集團軍司令員卡恰洛夫中將,另一個是原第12集團軍司令員波涅傑林少將。斯大林批示:審判。不是所有的命令,遠不是所有涉及前線事務的命令,尤其是在戰爭初期。都不折不扣地執行了。</p><p>可是像審判這樣的命令卻是肯定執行的。結果這兩名將軍根據俄羅斯蘇維埃聯邦社會主義共和國刑事訴訟法第265條,被缺席判處槍決,並沒收個人財產,要求剝奪所受獎勵——蘇聯勳章。那些愚蠢而又厚顏無恥的告密者想不到,卡恰洛夫已經在戰場上被敵方砲彈直接命中而犧牲。但直到現在, <strong>new balance官網</strong> 還活著的家屬卻一直背著叛徒親屬的黑鍋。</p>

Revision as of 03:02, 21 March 2015

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