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== ray ban outlet m9CW rdQt OIlg ==
<p>Four hundred years,<strong>michael kors bags</strong>, the boundary of this history. At that time, the destruction of countless information, this lost ; magic more numerous, but also in that era disappear, become lost magic. 400 years ago the war-torn dark age, such things happened too much. However, this Jia Erna Island, it should be isolated. Four hundred years ago, the influence of the dark world - black mage Jelf, also affected the island it? The magic of the island for months demonic influence, resulting in confusion dark memories of sentient races, after this issue clear, in fact, is not what it seems Angel serious problem.</p>
<p>Unexpectedly, five years ago, residents of this island had also posted outside guild task, and took on the task, that is, when the fairy tail guild. So, in today's five years later, the island's devil in the face of problems, still turn to fairy tail. Makarov president is initially conducted Slayers tasks. <strong>cheap michael kors</strong> Did not know came to the island, the island saw these demons, what is the reaction ? However, these ray ban outlet historical records, be able to find the cursed truth?Angel shook his head, Lucy, you go and I ask to see the villagers, these are all recorded data is stored in the village. Although very poor villagers cursed, but think of last night michael kors bags askew demonic appearance, Lucy is still some resistance to michael kors bags. Well...... Okay. Lucy left the house, Angel is deep in thought. These records, the vast majority are some villages on the village construction, harvesting, etc. life, record development, and michael kors handbags there is not much valuable information.</p>
<p>However, a search of the records, but found one of the biggest questions : These records, the earliest record only up to four hundred years ago. From the records, we can see the history of this village is definitely more than four hundred years. However, four hundred years ago, what happened to the island, but like artificially erased in general, not the slightest record. Although the village is dark creatures, but Angel can feel, in addition to the body of darkness <strong>michael kors outlet</strong> magic with ordinary human beings and not much difference. We now turn to Slayers, michael kors bags should not deliberately hide these historical records fishes.</p>

Revision as of 18:58, 9 August 2014

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