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== Donald cheap ==
he enjoys today � has only reinforced that inclination. In Phoenix and Tucson on Saturday, he campaigned with two of the nation's best-known hard-liners on illegal immigration: former Gov. Jan Brewer and Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio . Few politicians are as widely loathed by Latino voters. Mike Madrid,, a California Republican strategist who has spent decades working to build Latino support for the GOP, said Trump's image may be too firmly fixed,air jordans for cheap, especially in the Latino community, to change at this point. &quot;He might say, 'We'll take 10 feet off the wall but still have Mexico pay for it,' and maybe that would work,&quot; Madrid said,cheap jordans online, though he doubted it. &quot;The die is pretty much cast…. It's not something that switches from the primaries to the general election.&quot; Amid his unmatched string of victories, there have been warning signs, which Trump so far has chosen to ignore. Throughout the primary season, exit poll interviews showed that late deciders tend to favor his opponents. That suggests that over time Trumps antics haven't worn so well. Also worrisome for Trump,cheap jordans, nearly 3 in 10 Republicans who cast ballots in five primary contests last week said they would not vote for him if he won the GOP nomination; two of those states,cheap jordans for sale, Ohio and Florida, will be major fall battlegrounds. Supreme Court battle follows Republican senators to their home states Lisa Mascaro Whether he wants to talk about it or not,cheap jordan shoes, Republican Sen. Patrick J. Toomey’s refusal to consider President Obama’s nominee for the Supreme Court is following him home for spring break. Even before Toomey pulled up for a breakfast meeting with business leaders in State College, Pa., on Monday,... (Lisa Mascaro) Separately, 4 in 10 Republicans surveyed said that in a contest between Trump and Democrat<ul>
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Revision as of 03:53, 21 December 2016

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