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The broadcast battle was the first of four debates, each notably in-depth by comparison with today's superficial sound-bite statements. Each man had a relatively lengthy eight-minute opening presentation, with follow-up rebuttal statements. These pathbreaking battles drew a then-unprecedented TV audience. Theodore H. White in &quot;The Making of the President 1960&quot; reports the estimated audience for each debate was at least 65 million people, with an overall total greater than the 90 million who saw the 1959 World Series between the Dodgers and the White Sox. The first debate was supposed to be about domestic policy,cheap jordans free shipping, but Kennedy ignored that restriction. Time and again, he compared U.S. performance in economic growth, educational attainment,cheap real jordans, exploration of outer space and other fields to that of the Soviet Union. None of the reporters present pointed out JFK's breach. Since FDR's time, working reporters had moved toward the Democratic Party. Kennedy genuinely liked journalists,cheap jordans online, and he and his staff showed special skill in cultivating the press. The Cold War was intense,cheap jordans free shipping, and Kennedy's emphasis on Soviet strength reflected opinion of the time. A quarter century later, Japan was supposed to be burying us economically. Today,cheap jordans, many have assigned that role to China. Politicians reflect the public sentiments of their times, and times change. Cyr: The UN's firm foundation is confirmed Arthur I. Cyr The United Nations, once a focus of intense controversy in United States politics,cheap real jordans, is now broadly accepted. This has been confirmed by the overwhelming vote of the U.N. Security Council on Oct. 5 to choose Antonio Guterres of Portugal as the next secretary-general. He was U.N. High Commissioner... The United Nations, once a focus of intense controversy in United States politics,<ul>
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Revision as of 10:57, 7 December 2016

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