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Cars that squeal on you<br><br>The case involved police that had monitored the location of a suspect's SUV, a modern day version of GPS eavesdropping. Assistant District Attorney at an appeals court hearing on a different case in Philadelphia argued that planting a GPS device on a suspect's vehicle  without a warrant  followed relevant legal precedents.<br><br>A veritable flood of data about drivers  every turn of the wheel, every application of the brakes  is about to be unleashed into the open market. (Some privacy advocates argue that it's already out there, thanks to smartphones.) And at the moment, there are few if any laws protecting privacy in this area or specifying how or for what purposes such information can be used.<br><br>To give you an inkling of what's to come, today at the New York International Auto Show, Ford officially launched a new experimental program that will allow researchers to access not just basic car diagnostic data, but also details about driver behavior that was until now restricted to, well, just to the car. The idea is to help developers create innovative safety, fuel economy, and personalization features. You could be alerted that there's black ice ahead, for example, based on the information sent from other vehicles ahead of you on the road. Or a dashboard device could tell you ways to improve fuel economy (slow down and avoid traffic ahead).<br><br>No final products will come of the Ford program without the automaker's approval (a separate arrangement with the company will have to be made before any product hits the real world). However, the open source initiative  the first of its kind  offers a glimpse at a future in which information such as aggressive braking, rapid steering wheel turns, and wiper blade activity are all shared among commercial app developers and companies.<br><br>Drivers are very sensitive when it comes to sharing such information. There's something very personal about the American automobile, and even small perceived violations of that status are met with opprobrium. Witness the reaction from owners when GM decided to change its OnStar terms and conditions with amendments that would allow it to sell driving data to outside companies.<br><br>The reaction of GM owners was vociferous, to say the least, and GM ended up backtracking. Ford is well aware of GM's public relations missteps, and Ford representatives emphasize that the company is sensitive to these concerns. It wants to focus on safety and fuel economy, offering for example, driving tips (you didn't come to a full stop at that sign) and advice (you're accelerating too hard and wasting gas). They want to be able to use all available technology to thwart crime. Already, cameras in many cities and towns, such as Tiburon, California, record,gucci galaxy note 3 case, track, and check every license plate that enters their municipalities. LPR or license plate readers are common, so why stop there? GPS tracking may seem relatively innocuous by comparison.<br><br>Stopping criminal activity is no doubt a laudable goal, but randomly searching every residence is not allowed. So too should the warrantless use of such digital tools to monitor our movements be illegal.<br><br>The Supreme Court decision on this issue hinged partly on people's expectation of privacy (citing an article by this reporter on the topic). We clearly do things behind the wheel (singing off key to an Adele song or swearing like a truck driver) that we would not do in public. Conversely, the 20 something crowd that's grown up with Web cams and smart phones that record our movements and messages seems less worried about privacy. So if more people expect less privacy, could this right evaporate?<br><br>There are some bills before Congress intended to prevent just anyone, such as a private detective or security firm, from tracking you with a GPS device. 1312), introduced in the House by Jason Chaffetz (R Utah) and in the Senate by Ron Wyden (D Ore.) and Mark Kirk (R Ill.), would restrict such use and require warrants. It's particularly important in light of the fact that soon every car will be built with a black box that could contain a wealth of such information.<br><br>But even without legislation or court rulings, criminals will soon catch on and adopt measures to stymie police monitoring. GPS jammers are illegal but cheap and readily available, for example. Meanwhile, the rest of us would still be followed along the open road.
Cars that squeal on you<br><br>The case involved police that had monitored the location of a suspect's SUV, a modern day version of GPS eavesdropping. Assistant District Attorney at an appeals court hearing on a different case in Philadelphia argued that planting a GPS device on a suspect's vehicle  without a warrant  followed relevant legal precedents.<br><br>A veritable flood of data about drivers  every turn of the wheel, every application of the brakes  is about to be unleashed into the open market. (Some privacy advocates argue that it's already out there, thanks to smartphones.) And at the moment, there are few if any laws protecting privacy in this area or specifying how or for what purposes such information can be used.<br><br>To give you an inkling of what's to come, today at the New York International Auto Show, Ford officially launched a new experimental program that will allow researchers to access not just basic car diagnostic data, but also details about driver behavior that was until now restricted to, well, just to the car. The idea is to help developers create innovative safety, fuel economy, and personalization features. You could be alerted that there's black ice ahead, for example, based on the information sent from other vehicles ahead of you on the road. Or a dashboard device could tell you ways to improve fuel economy (slow down and avoid traffic ahead).<br><br>No final products will come of the Ford program without the automaker's approval (a separate arrangement with the company will have to be made before any product hits the real world). However, the open source initiative  the first of its kind  offers a glimpse at a future in which information such as aggressive braking, rapid steering wheel turns, and wiper blade activity are all shared among commercial app developers and companies.<br><br>Drivers are very sensitive when it comes to sharing such information. There's something very personal about the American automobile, and even small perceived violations of that status are met with opprobrium. Witness the reaction from owners when GM decided to change its OnStar terms and conditions with amendments that would allow it to sell driving data to outside companies.<br><br>The reaction of GM owners was vociferous, to say the least, and GM ended up backtracking. Ford is well aware of GM's public relations missteps, and Ford representatives emphasize that the company is sensitive to these concerns. It wants to focus on safety and fuel economy, offering for example, driving tips (you didn't come to a full stop at that sign) and advice (you're accelerating too hard and wasting gas). They want to be able to use all available technology to thwart crime. Already, cameras in many cities and towns, such as Tiburon, California, record,gucci galaxy note 3 case, track, and check every license plate that enters their municipalities. LPR or license plate readers are common, so why stop there? GPS tracking may seem relatively innocuous by comparison.<br><br>Stopping criminal activity is no doubt a laudable goal, but randomly searching every residence is not allowed. So too should the warrantless use of such digital tools to monitor our movements be illegal.<br><br>The Supreme Court decision on this issue hinged partly on people's expectation of privacy (citing an article by this reporter on the topic). We clearly do things behind the wheel (singing off key to an Adele song or swearing like a truck driver) that we would not do in public. Conversely, the 20 something crowd that's grown up with Web cams and smart phones that record our movements and messages seems less worried about privacy. So if more people expect less privacy, could this right evaporate?<br><br>There are some bills before Congress intended to prevent just anyone, such as a private detective or security firm, from tracking you with a GPS device. 1312), introduced in the House by Jason Chaffetz (R Utah) and in the Senate by Ron Wyden (D Ore.) and Mark Kirk (R Ill.), would restrict such use and require warrants. It's particularly important in light of the fact that soon every car will be built with a black box that could contain a wealth of such information.<br><br>But even without legislation or court rulings, criminals will soon catch on and adopt measures to stymie police monitoring. GPS jammers are illegal but cheap and readily available, for example. Meanwhile, the rest of us would still be followed along the open road.
== lnMl gucci galaxy s4 case:What is a 1 exP 0a ==
What is a 1<br><br>(3 technique) defensive lineman is line up in the middle of the B gap or outside shade of the guard. He is responsible for maintaining outside leverage and not letting himself get hook or reached blocked by the offense.<br><br>(4 technique) defensive lineman is line up nose to nose with the offensive tackle.<br><br>(5 technique) meant that the defensive lineman had his nose on the outside shoulder of the offensive tackle.<br><br>(6 technique) was nose to nose with the offensive tight end.<br><br>(7 technique) meant the defensive lineman had his nose on the inside shoulder of the offensive tight end.<br><br>(8 technique) meant that the defensive lineman was aligned on air outside the outside shoulder of the offensive tight end.<br><br>(9 technique) meant that the defensive lineman has his nose on the outside shoulder of the offensive tight end.<br><br>Well think of yourself as a Nose Tackle. You lined up directly on the Center, that a 0 technique since it directly in the middle of the O line. Now if you move over into the A gap between the Center and Guard, that a 1 technique. Now if you move over again and line up directly on the Guard,gucci galaxy s4 case, that a two technique. If you move over again and are in the B gap between the Guard and Tackle that a 3 technique. The process just keeps going on for a long process, it eventually goes to where the Linebackers are too.

Revision as of 21:42, 7 April 2014

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