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.php" target="_blank">HOPDODDY BURGER BAR< a><br  ><b>Location< b>: 5510 Morningside<br  >The famous Austin-based chain will be opening its second Houston location at the space formerly occupied by Baker Street Pub &amp; Grill in February 2017.< p>
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    <p>RICE VILLAGE<br  >HOPDODDY BURGER BAR<br  ><b>Location< b>: 5510 Morningside<br  > The famous Austin-based chain will be opening its second Houston location at the space formerly occupied by Baker Street Pub &amp; Grill in February< p>
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de El Cairo – a contrarrestar las temporadas extremas de inundaciones y sequ&iacute;as. La Sunass, el ente regulador del agua en Per&uacute;, comenz&oacute; un programa de cinco a?os para redirigir hacia los servicios de ecosistemas el 1% de las tarifas al consumidor del servicio de agua potable de la ciudad, Sedapal. Otro 3.8% adicional de las tarifas (alrededor de $89 millones) ser&aacute; utilizado para la adaptaci&oacute;n al cambio clim&aacute;tico y mitigaci&oacute;n del riesgo de desastre. La promoci&oacute;n de la infraestructura verde es fundamental para el abastecimiento del agua a largo plazo para la capital, dice Fernando Momiy, presidente de la Sunass. Facebook Twitter Pinterest PPK: Todos los peruanos deber&aacute;n disponer del agua potable durante las 24 horas del d&iacute;a y de estar conectados a la red de alcantarillado. Photograph: Martin Mejia AP “PPK ha mostrado su compromiso con la preservaci&oacute;n de las fuentes del agua. Sabe que brindar agua a la gente no es s&oacute;lo una cuesti&oacute;n de infraestructura gris sino tambi&eacute;n de infraestructura verde,” dice. “?l entiende, habiendo trabajado muchos a?os como inversionista,cheap retro jordans, que la sostenibilidad es fundamentalmente importante. Como presidente, &eacute;l es alguien que puede convencer a los l&iacute;deres empresariales de que un futuro sin agua no existe. No hay comercio ni industria que se sostenga sin &eacute;sta.” Alrededor de10 millones de personas – un tercio de todos los peruanos – habitan en Lima y esa ciudad depende de tres r&iacute;os que fluyen desde los Andes; el Rimac,cheap jordans, Chill&oacute;n y Lur&iacute;n. En total, alrededor de 4 millones de peruanos no disponen del agua limpia, y 8 millones no cuentan con saneamiento adecuado. “El agua limpia es clave para reducir todos los indicadores de pobreza, y PPK lo sabe,” se?al&oacute; Carolina Trivelli, Ministra anterior de Desarrollo e Inclusi&oacute;n Social. Sin embargo,cheap jordans for sale, los expertos coinciden en que la implementaci&oacute;n de pol&iacute;ticas<br>to overestimate the power of these clubs in the New York of the 1950s; they created Fred Trump and gave him access to his largest acquisition, the seventy-five-acre parcel of city land that would become the 3,yourcellan,800-unit Trump Village. In 1960, an immense tract of land off Ocean Parkway in Brooklyn became available for development. The City Planning Commission had approved a generous tax abatement for a nonprofit foundation to build a housing cooperative. Fred Trump attacked this abatement as “a giveaway.” Soon after, Trump himself decided to go after the tax abatement. Although the City Planning Commission had already approved the nonprofit plan, Lindenbaum went to see Mayor Robert Wagner, and Beame, who was in Wagner’s camp, supported Trump. Fred Trump wound up with two-thirds of the property, and within a year he had broken ground on Trump Village. Lindenbaum was given the City Planning Commission seat formerly held by Robert Moses, the power broker who built many of New York’s highways, airports, and parks. The following year, Lindenbaum organized a fund-raising lunch for Wagner, who was running for re-election. Forty-three builders and landlords pledged thousands of dollars; Trump,cheap air jordans, according to reporter Wayne Barrett, pledged $2,500, one of the largest contributions. The lunch party made the front page of the newspapers, and Lindenbaum, disgraced, was forced off the commission. But Robert Wagner won the election, and Beame became his comptroller. In 1966, as Donald was entering his junior year at the Wharton business school, Fred Trump and Lindenbaum were investigated for their role in a $60 million Mitchell-Lama mortgage. “Is there any way of preventing a man who does business in that way from getting another contract with the state?” the investigations-commission chairman asked about Trump and Lindenbaum. Ultimately, Trump was forced to return $1.2 million that he had overestimated on the land—part of which money he had used to buy a site nearby on which to build<ul>
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Long before Bob Dylan was awarded the Nobel prize in literature, pundits used to talk about “Dylan versus Keats”, as if you had to choose, and as if Dylan’s poetic transformations of folk song are really so different from what John Keats does in his eerie ballad La Belle Dame sans Merci.<br>
<br>When it comes to Dylan’s art, the dice fall differently. Dylan versus John Constable would make no sense, for when it comes to drawing and painting it’s as plain as a Brooklyn ice cream parlour that Bob Dylan is a bluff old traditionalist.<br>
<br>He draws and paints what he sees, although in his latest, impressive show at London’s Halcyon Gallery you feel that what he sees is always subtly merging with an America in his mind. Sometimes that inner America seeps out. A crowd of midwesterners gawping at a fairground sideshow that offers a peep into a “Harem” – surely this has come from Dylan’s dreams? Yet most of the time, with true observation and patient work, he records reality in all its strangeness.<br>
Manhattan Bridge, Downtown New York, 2015–2016 by Bob Dylan. Photograph: Adam Reich Courtesy of Halcyon Gallery
<br>Dylan comes along and sketches your car because he likes it parked there outside some fast food joint. He paints a knish and bagel shop, and the blue and yellow light inside it, and the graffiti along the street. He looks up and paints the vastness of skyscrapers, the glory of Manhattan Bridge,real cheap jordans retro, or a burning desert sky.<br>
<br>This guy can look. His drawings are intricate, sincere, charged with curiosity. He has a living,, loose line that stops them descending into mere pedantry. Life astounds him. Most of his sketches are of places on the edge of town or on run-down corners, the fading, interstitial essence of Americana: coffee shops, drive-ins, all-nite venues. Myth haunts these stage sets of American stories and songs, yet they are secretive, mysterious. They are seen from outside by an artist who does not try to learn more or less than his eyes tell him.<br>
Bob Dylan,jordans for cheap, Abandoned Motel, Eureka, 2015–2016. Photograph: Adam Reich Courtesy of Halcyon Gallery
<br>Is it right to call Dylan an artist at all? The Halcyon Gallery, on New Bond Street among some of London’s glossiest designer shops,cheap jordans free shipping, is exactly the kind of glitzy joint you might expect to see some celebrity’s self-indulgent art. Is Dylan doing any more than pursuing a hobby? Oddly enough, the night before his Nobel prize was announced, I attended an event where a critic launched an unprovoked attack on Dylan’s visual art, going on about how awful it supposedly is. In reality it is hard to see how anyone can dislike the evocative pictures of America in Dylan’s new show – unless you loathe pictures, and think painting, that old thing, should be banned.<br>
<br>If you dismiss David Hockney and Robert Crumb and believe only avant garde conceptual art has value, you won’t like Dylan’s landscapes. Yet if you do admire either of those meticulous artists, there is no reason to look down on Bob Dylan just because he happens to be a rock star. He has a surprising amount in common with Hockney. His art looks more serious with every exhibition. He is turning into a hero for anyone who thinks drawing is a noble thing to do.<br>
<br>What really sets his latest show alight, though,cheap air jordan shoes, is when he expands his sketches into huge paintings in drunken abandon to the power of colour. Purple skies, lurid neons, wet greens and fierce reds – the colours of Dylan’s landscape are subtle, rich, with just a hint of apocalypse.<br>
<br>A real artist made these drawings and paintings. Their integrity is compelling. They demand to be looked at, for their awe and wonder at the beauty and grandeur of being alive. These are the pictures of a true poet.<ul>
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of product management at Terracotta,cheap jordan shoes, a wholly owned subsidiary of Software AG, says that, as a rule of thumb, memory is 1,,000 times faster than disk. For AdJuggler,amassdenver, with its ultra-narrow bidding window and high transaction volume, that speed difference tipped the balance in favor of in-memory.< p>
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<p><strong>Moving to In-memory From Disk Means Less Database Tuning< strong>< p>
<p>AdJuggler's current platform, which matches ads to places on Web pages at a clip of 20,000 transactions per second, includes a mySQL database. The database houses configuration data on customers' campaigns-essentially, ad placements on various websites. Lindquist says all that configuration data will move from the disk-based mySQL data store to Terracotta's in-memory technology. AdJuggler will also add multiple terabytes of anonymized audience data.< p>
<p><strong>News: Microsoft Adding In-memory Technology to SQL Server< strong>< p>
<p>&quot;We will end up with a record in there for every user who goes to a piece of content that can be served an ad through our system,&quot; Lindquist says,cheap jordans for sale, adding that the user data will amount to hundreds of millions of records.< p>
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for $149 and $179, respectively. The tablets were Dell's first return to Android on tablets since December 2011, when it dumped the Streak 7.< p>
<p>Moorhead read the tea leaves, but didn't see a desertion by Dell in the offing.< p>
<p>&quot;I think Dell would have rather sold a successful Microsoft product, but their hand was forced,&quot; said Moorhead. &quot;When you look at the 7-in. tablet market, it's nearly impossible to hit that price point with an OS that takes up a third to half of the bill of materials,&quot; he continued, talking about the Windows license.< p>
<p>Rubin echoed Moorhead. &quot;This shows where Dell is placing their bets. They're marrying the sweet spots of the market to what OS options they have,&quot; said Rubin. &quot;A full-keyboard device is Windows, but an inexpensive tablet under $200, that's an Android market at this point.&quot;< p>
<p>Although rumors have claimed that Microsoft will eventually introduce a smaller-size Surface tablet,cheap jordans, a so-called Surface Mini,cheap jordans free shipping, perhaps an 8-in. device, speculation has recently centered on a 2014 debut. In the absence of Microsoft pioneering the smaller form factor,cheap jordans, some Windows OEMs have tried their hands,cheap jordans online, but with limited success.< p>
<p>That has handicapped Windows' uptake in tablets: The majority of tablets sold this year will be 7-in. and 8-in. models,cheap-jordan.< p>
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<p> The database landscape is much more diverse than it once was, thanks in large part to big data,cheap jordans online, and on Tuesday, one of today's newer contenders unveiled an upcoming release featuring a major boost in security. < p>
<p> Version 9 of MarkLogic's namesake NoSQL database will be available at the end of this year, and one of its key new features is the inclusion of Cryptsoft’s KMIP (Key Management Interoperability Protocol) technology,cheap air jordans. < p>
<p> MarkLogic has placed its bets on companies' need to integrate data from dispersed enterprise silos -- a task that has often required the use of so-called ETL tools to extract, transform and load data into a traditional relational database. Aiming to offer an alternative approach, MarkLogic's technology combines the flexibility,cheap jordans online, scalability and agility of NoSQL with enterprise-hardened features like government-grade security and high availability, the vendor says. < p>
<p> Now coming up in the next generation of the software will be a variety of improvements in data integration,cheap retro jordans, manageability and security, the company says, but certainly most notable among them is the addition of Cryptsoft’s KMIP. < p>
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<p> Data is frequently protected while in transit between consumers and businesses, MarkLogic notes, but the same isn't always true when data is at rest within the business because of a variety of challenges associated with that task. That's where Cryptsoft's technology could make a difference. < p>
<p> Rather than grappling with multiple key management tools, MarkLogic 9 users will be able to tap Cryptsoft’s embedded Key Management SDKs to manage data security from across the enterprise using a comprehensive, standards-compliant KMIP toolkit. < p>
<p> KMIP has been developed through the Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards (OASIS).?Earlier this year, MarkLogic also achieved Common Criteria security certification. < p>
<p> MarkLogic 9 is scheduled to be generally available in December. < p>
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<p itemprop="articleBody"> Assateague Island National Seashore is an undeveloped barrier island located off the coasts of Virginia and Maryland that's best known for its galloping herds of wild horses. In addition to the horses, an abundance of animals can be spotted on land or in the ocean,<a href=" " target="_blank">cheap jordans free shipping< a>, especially within the Chincoteague National Wildlife Refuge, located at the southern end of Assateague Island. Bring some binoculars and keep your eyes peeled for red foxes, otters, Asian elk, bottlenose dolphins, humpback whales and tens of thousands of migratory shorebirds. < p>
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<p itemprop="articleBody"> The Board's statement of support for Blankenship comes the day after investigators met with about 100 relatives of the 29 dead miners. Blankenship told the Charleston (W.Va.) Daily Mail that the company has pledged to pay the families five times the miners' annual pay, as well as provide lifetime income for the widows,www.<a href=" " target="_blank">amassdenver< a>, health insurance for 20 years or more and $5,000 a year for child-care. < p>
<p itemprop="articleBody"> Blankenship told the newspaper that the benefits are &quot;by any measure are very good. We're very proud of the benefits, although we realize that doesn't help much.&quot; < p>
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<p><img class="alignleft size-medium wp-image-28782" src=" blogs headcount files 2011 09 mmheadshot2-216x300.gif" alt="" width="216" height="300"  >Not too long ago in my office,<a href=" " target="_blank">cheap jordans online< a>, I counseled a student distraught because the extensive spring break college tour from which he had just returned hadn’t yielded a discovery of “the right fit.” This seemed to be defined as El Dorado in college form,<a href=" " target="_blank">cheap jordans free shipping< a>, where everyone would share this young person’s worldview and interests—and the food was great. Each fall counselors have some tough talks with teenagers insistent that super-selective, name-brand colleges are the right fit for them, even if the admission profile of those colleges would suggest otherwise. We also see young people who earnestly struggle to identify the factors that will define fit for them, but who get derailed<ul>
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