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(5+2布局 逸致180E精英多功能版本月抵蓉: new section)
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   <li>HD between Yunnan and Sichuan 4.9 earthquake damaged the local houses</li>
   <li>HD between Yunnan and Sichuan 4.9 earthquake damaged the local houses</li>
A FACTORY official and an owner of a Shanghai-based delivery service franchise are being held by police after packages tainted with a toxic chemical killed one man and sickened seven other people.
The incident triggered a nationwide order from central authorities for postal and courier services to strengthen checks on package contents before they accept them. Anyone not following the rule would have their license revoked.
Liu Xingliang, a resident of Dongying City in east China’s Shandong Province, suffered methyl fluoroacetate poisoning after he accepted a package delivered by Shanghai YTO Express in late November, according to the Shandong Post Bureau.
The bureau said four parcels delivered by the company were contaminated with methyl fluoroacetate, a toxic liquid widely used in the pharmaceutical industry.
== 5+2布局 逸致180E精英多功能版本月抵蓉 ==
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  <li>three groups of peo</li>
  <li>Liu is a constructi</li>
  <li>the police killed 2</li>

Revision as of 03:41, 24 December 2013

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