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<p class="paragraph" data-pnum="13">The Knicks led by 11 in the third quarter but couldn't put it away, the Hornets pulling within 71-66.< p>
<p class="paragraph" data-pnum="14">Notes: Amare Stoudemire scored 12 points after the Knicks' medical staff told coach Mike Woodson he could increase the forward's minutes to about 25-30 per game. Stoudemire had been limited to a little more than 20 per night as he returned from left knee surgery. He played 23 while battling foul trouble. ... Woodson said Iman Shumpert,<a href=" " target="_blank">cheap jordans online< a>, nearing his return from major knee surgery,<a href=" " target="_blank">cheap real jordans< a>, will make the trip to London. On Friday,<a href=" " target="_blank">cheap retro jordans< a>, Woodson left open the possibility that Shumpert could remain behind and work with the Knicks' NBA Development League team,<a href=" " target="_blank">cheap jordan shoes< a>, but said doctors cleared Shumpert to go after testing his knee. < p>
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<p class="paragraph" data-pnum="44">During cross-examination,cheap jordans free shipping, Dry also questioned McDonnell closely on the status of his friendship with Williams. Prosecutors allege that Williams was not so much a personal friend to McDonnell as he was a source of cash to the McDonnells, who carried large personal debts. They pointed out numerous documents and emails in which McDonnell routinely misspelled Williams' first name.< p>
<p class="paragraph" data-pnum="45">Dry even mocked McDonnell at times Tuesday, spotlighting the many times the then-governor misspelled his &quot;friend's&quot; name as Johnnie instead of Jonnie. Dry asked sarcastically, &quot;Is it typical you don't know how to spell your friends' names?&quot;< p>
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  <p class="paragraph" data-pnum="48">Prosecutor again spotlights fact that #McDonnell still misspells &quot;Johnnie&quot; Williams name in the May 2012 thank you text for a $20K loan.< p>
  <p class="paragraph" data-pnum="49">— Julie Carey (@JulieCareyNBC) August 26, 2014< p>
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<p class="paragraph" data-pnum="16">With the snow softer than during the training sessions, Miller's sharp-edged skis dug too far into the snow.< p>
<p class="paragraph" data-pnum="17">He wondered if it would have helped to change his equipment.< p>
<p class="paragraph" data-pnum="18">&quot;In hindsight,air jordans for cheap, yeah,&quot; he said. &quot;But at the time I think we made the right choice. ... After winning the training runs the way we did it would be a tough call to be like, 'The weather is changing, we're just going to completely throw a dart in the dark and hope it hits.' We had to stick with what we knew.&quot;< p>
<p class="paragraph" data-pnum="19">Miller also acknowledged his frustration,<a href=" " target="_blank">< a>.< p>
<p class="paragraph" data-pnum="20">&quot;I was angry for a little while, and disappointed. But really I skied hard. I really did ski with everything I have. So I didn't really feel like there was much to be too upset about,&quot; he said. &quot;But I know this sport pretty well and when the conditions change like that you have to make the adjustments. And if you don't and someone else does than that's it.&quot;< p>
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  <p> With the new virtual stadium, all the content on the social networking site relating to the game, including posts and comments from friends on the plays, and comments from experts such as teams, leagues and reporters will surface in real time and chronologically, according to Facebook. The feed will also include live scores,cheap retro jordans,<a href=" " target="_blank">amass denver< a>, statistics and play-by-play,<a href=" " target="_blank">< a>,? besides game information such as where to find the game on TV, Kafka wrote. < p>
  <p> The service, which is available on Apple's iPhone in the U.S., will be extended to other platforms in the coming weeks, he added. The Stadium, which is being launched for the National Football League (NFL) playoff games,? will be available on desktop for the Super Bowl and will come to Android in a “matter of weeks,” a company spokesperson told Re code. Facebook, which doesn’t have a content partner for the launch, is licensing game data from a company called Sportradar, the news site said. < p>
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