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felt like this is our time to shine. None of that funky dialogue is going to get in the way of us telling our story. It seems like there’s more experimental animation throughout the rest of the season as well. Yeah, I think that’s something we’re trying to push more and more, is how can we make the show more visually interesting. The tradition in television adult animation, it’s so tightly scripted and so tightly packed with jokes: “Let’s set up boring shots of two people in a room talking to each other.” And I think more and more, we really empowered the artists to go, “No, no, no. How can you sell that visually in a way that doesn’t distract from what’s going on in the story,yourcellan, but actually enhances it?” I want to push even further in that direction the longer the show goes on. Speaking of pushing boundaries, I also wanted to ask about the abortion episode, in which Diane discovers that shes pregnant. Where did that plotline come from? Um, oh, God. I should have an answer for that,cheap jordans, because I’m sure I’m going to get asked that a bunch. You know, it’s something we talked about doing last season,cheap jordans online, and it felt like an interesting story to tell for Diane. Whenever you latch onto something that hasn’t been done a million times, it’s like, “Oh,cheap jordans for sale, that’s interesting.” Like, everything you could possibly think of has been done by The Simpsons, but I don’t think one of their main characters has had an abortion. A fresh, interesting world to explore. Which is interesting to hear, because I think the excuse that writers frequently use is that abortion is the ending of a story, rather than the beginning of a story. Yeah. But I thought it was an interesting story in and of itself. The reason that we didn’t do it last season was because it felt like last season we were really telling a story about Diane and Mr. Peanutbutter’s marriage, and I didn’t want to sell in any way that this abortion had, like, caused complications in their marriage. So starting this season,cheap jordans free shipping, we had this same conversation:<br>but many see it as a way of helping out the local economy At a cost of $1bn to put a chill in the air during Texas Rangers games, it would surely go down as the sports world’s most expensive air-conditioning bill. Voters in the city that is home to the Rangers go to the polls on Tuesday to decide whether to finance a new Major League Baseball stadium that would replace a popular facility that is barely two decades old. Related: Only in Texas: can $70m on a high school football stadium ever be justified? Continue reading... Texas Rangers Millions expected to celebrate Cubs’ first world championship since 1908 Parade will wind through downtown and end seven miles south in Grant Park Chicago Cubs players enjoyed their victory lap on Friday, waving to tens of thousands of elated fans crowded along miles of city streets during a parade honoring the first Cubs team to win a World Series title in 108 years. Related: How the Chicago Cubs faced down history and killed a century-old curse Continue reading... MLB Chicago is filled with those who have endured the lovable losers tag their whole lives, and they were jumping on the field with the Cubs on Wednesday When it was finally over and the Chicago Cubs were World Series champions, and the Cubs fans in the crowd sang “Go Cubs Go’’ I thought of a young boy who would have just been so happy. He used to sneak a transistor radio into school and hide it in his desk so when it was head-down time to take a nap, he could click on the Cubs games and listen quietly. He would spend every day thinking about the Cubs, dreaming about how they would win in the 7th game of the World Series. Being a lifelong Cubs fan is a deeply personal thing. Everyone does it differently, with the only constant being disappointment. So over the past few days, I remembered exactly how that disappointment used to feel. I wanted to go back to my five-, eight-, 11-, 14-, 17-year old Cubs-obsessed self and let him know that everything was going to be OK, celebrate<ul>
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people in a $111 million building just to see if this kind of thinking can work? Answer: nothing is wrong with it, except that all of human history suggests that it cannot work. No doubt the Institute of Peace has done some good in the world. But the heart sinks to read, on the Institute’s home page, in a short list of the organization’s proudest accomplishments,cheap jordans for sale, that the U.S.I.P. “implements Generation Change, a program dedicated to empowering and building the capacity of emerging youth leaders in their communities.” Or that the U.S.I.P. “organized the first ever Northern Nigeria Governors Forum, which addressed important peace and stability issues.” Tell me you can’t read that and smell the bullshit. It’s just “jobs for the boys,” as union leaders once said, back when there were union leaders. The notion of the United States as a bringer of peace through tiny projects in distant parts of the world will strike many people as unintentionally hilarious. No country has brought more war to more places on the planet in recent years than the United States has. Even if every one of these interventions had been morally sound and, in practice, fantastically successful, we’d still be underwater in terms of lives lost and general all-around misery. No matter how many lives are saved by persuading both sides to take up knitting and together make a machine-gun cozy, that number will be fewer than the number who have died because of military operations or the shortages of medicine and food that go with them. “So true, darling,cheap air jordan shoes, so true,” yawned Arianna, a bit groggy from too much sleep. “We must encourage everyone to do yoga, eat holistically, and . . . and I can’t remember the third thing.” Especially now that it has a new building,cheap jordans free shipping, the Institute of Peace will never be abolished, or even seriously re-examined. Although logically it should be the reverse, a new building almost always leads to the establishment of a fellowship program. Fellows and former fellows soon form an alumni<br>coming and they’re going to try to kill us.” But this kind of talk masks a deeper reality. The N.R.A., like the Republican Party from which it draws most of its support, is fracturing. Elvin Daniel is an avid hunter and an N.R.A. member who has advocated before the Senate Judiciary Committee for universal background checks, a position vehemently opposed today by the N.R.A. leadership. Elvin’s sister Zina was killed, along with two others, in October 2012 by her estranged husband, who was under a restraining order and would have failed a background check. Instead, he was able to buy a gun off of armslist—the Craigslist of guns—and kill three people. Only with his sister’s death did Daniel realize that background checks are not required for online purchases of guns. Daniel told me that most of his friends are N.R.A. members and favor universal background checks. One might argue that today’s N.R.A. leadership is far too professionalized to suffer the kind of organized revolt that it did in Cincinnati in 1977. Until a few months ago, one might have made the same argument about the Republican Party. A correction was made to this story: Louis Farrakhan’s name was removed from the list of people appearing in the “I’m the NRA” advertising campaign How the World Mourned the Victims of the Orlando Nightclub ShootingDenver, Colorado A man waves a rainbow flag, surrounded by about 2,000 supporters, at a candle vigil in Cheesman Park on June 13,cheap jordan shoes, 2016. By John Leyba The Denver Post Getty Images.Orlando, Florida People embrace during a candlelight vigil for the victims of the shooting at Pulse nightclub on June 13, 2016. By Jim Young Reuters.Manila, Philippines A student activist has the rainbow colors painted on her cheek on June 14,real cheap jordans retro, 2016. By Dondi Tawatao Getty Images.London, England Hundreds of people attend a vigil held outside the Admiral Duncan pub on Old Compton Street on June 13, 2016. By Tolga Akmen Anadolu Agency Getty Images.New York City Flowers and candles are left<ul>
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D'Amico &amp; Partners will close its original D'Amico &amp; Sons location by year's end after deciding to sell the building,&nbsp;the company announced on Tuesday. The 1920s-era building at 2210 Hennepin Av. opened&nbsp;in Minneapolis in 1994,cheap retro jordans,&nbsp;marking&nbsp;the start of what has since blossomed into a nine-storefront chain of casual Italian cafes across the Twin Cities and in Naples,cheap jordans online,&nbsp;Fla.&nbsp; The company, which owns several restaurants including Campiello , Cafe Lurcat and Bar Lurcat and Parma 8200 ,&nbsp;also recently launched Market House by D'Amico in the Minnesota History Center and a catering and events venue adjacent to Loring Park, called Loring Social . On the docket are Bushel &amp; Peck,, which will be a more upscale redesign of the company's current cafe at the Mill City Museum , and a seasonal food truck for museum visitors. The 7,000 square foot building in Uptown -- once home to the short-lived Blackberry Creek Market, one of Heartland Restaurant &amp; Wine Bar chef Lenny Russo's projects --&nbsp;is the only location that D'Amico had in its real estate portfolio. The building, which dates to the early 20th century, was originally built as a branch of Witt's Market, a popular downtown grocer and butcher that was based at 705 Hennepin Av. &quot;The decision to sell the property was made based on an assessment of market timing and in recognition of the fact that we are a restaurant,real cheap jordans retro, not a real estate company,&quot; Larry D'Amico,cheap air jordans, co-owner of D'Amico &amp; Partners said in a release. &quot;The continued evolution of the virtual restaurant trend,cheap jordans free shipping, with&nbsp;customers turning more to delivery than dining in, made it possible for us to consider this sale.&quot; All employees have been offered positions at other locations within the company. Gift certificates can be redeemed at any other D'Amico restaurant, and Uptown&nbsp;customers will still be able to call the same number (612-374-1858) to order the same food for home or business delivery. Older Post <ul>
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  <p> Each year, <em>Computerworld< em> accepts nominations from across the industry — from vendors, IT users, public relations and marketing professionals, <em>Computerworld< em> readers and past Premier 100 IT Leaders honorees. Eligible nominees include CIOs, CTOs, senior vice presidents, vice presidents, IT directors and managers from a cross-section of user and vendor companies and their IT divisions, including but not limited to professionals in network management, database management, Web management, help desk operations, application development, project management, contract management and procurement.< p>
  <p> Nominations for the 2015 list were collected from February through September 2014, and about 1,000 were submitted. Our editors then invited the nominees to complete a comprehensive management leadership questionnaire online from July through October. The candidates were asked about a range of topics, including their backgrounds, work experiences, special accomplishments, leadership styles, technology priorities and strategies, and other details about the IT environments they have fostered at their organizations. We received more than 200 complete, qualified questionnaires.< p>
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  <p> Each year, <em>Computerworld< em> accepts nominations from across the industry -- from vendors, IT users, public relations and marketing professionals, <em>Computerworld< em> readers and past Premier 100 IT Leaders honorees. Eligible nominees include CIOs, CTOs, senior vice presidents, vice presidents, IT directors and managers from a cross-section of user and vendor companies and their IT divisions, including but not limited to professionals in network management, database management, Web management, help desk operations, application development, project management, contract management and procurement.< p>
  <p> Nominations for the 2014 list were collected from February through September 2013, and more than 1,000 were submitted. Our editors then invited the nominees to complete a comprehensive management leadership questionnaire online from July through October. The candidates were asked about a range of topics, including their backgrounds, work experiences, special accomplishments, leadership styles, technology priorities and strategies, and other details about the IT environments they have fostered at their organizations. We received more than 200 complete, qualified questionnaires.< p>
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Gregg Keizer ,<article>
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  <p>Mozilla's Firefox backed further from the brink last month, and Mac owners continued to abandon Apple's Safari, new data released today showed.< p>
  <p>Also, last month, Microsoft lost another 23 million Internet Explorer and Edge users.< p>
  <p>According to analytics vendor Net Applications, Firefox's <i>user share< i> -- an estimate of the proportion of all personal computer users who ran that browser -- climbed eight-tenths of a percentage point last month to finish at 11.9%, its highest mark since December 2015. In the last three months, Firefox has regained 4.2 points, recovering from a near-death experience when in August it recorded a user share of just 7.7%.< p>
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  <p> Google said it will deal with website recidivists that have dodged the company's punishments for spreading malware and spawning email scams.< p>
  <p> When Google flags sites for hosting malicious code or unwanted software, or running some kind of scam, users see warnings in Chrome and other browsers. The alerts appear as long as Google believes the site poses a threat.< p>
  <p> But after making changes to align their sites with Google's &quot;Safe Browsing&quot; terms, webmasters may ask Google to lift the virtual embargo.< p>
  <p> Not surprisingly, some took advantage of the mechanism for lifting the warnings. Sites would cease their illicit practices, but only long enough to get back into Google's good graces. Once Google gave the all-clear, the once-dirty-then-clean site would have a serious relapse and again distribute malware or spew phishing emails.< p>
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    Reince Priebus, Chairman of the Republican National Committee stands at the main podium as he previews the stage at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland, Ohio, on July 17, 2016.
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<p>The Columbia report, which weighs in at a hefty 211 pages, goes through each of the “major goals that institutions hope to achieve through MOOC initiatives” and finds no clear indication that colleges will see a return on their investment in the free online courses.< p>
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