Editing The Santorini Condo is a soon-to-launch apartment at Tampines that has contemporary amenities residents will like and these can be seen in the Santorini Site Plan and Floor Plan

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The brand new condominium typically referred to as The Santorini is still being built and is anticipated to be done on 2017. This is based between Bedok Reservoir area and Tampines. Heading to Century Square or Reservoir will just take you a few minutes from the said condo. The Santorini is a 15-storey building possessing eight towers and based on the Santorini Floor Plan, it has 597 residential units. As evident on the location, life in the Santorini New Launch condo will be just like a life cradled by mother nature's care which will be felt by the condo's residents. This is not merely near to reservoir but to the Tampines Bike Park also.
The Santorini is made in a fashion that can cater the needs of an individual. If you wish to live in a location that has kids' play area, guardhouse, and swimming pool, then you can never go wrong with this condominium and these are all shown in the Santorini Site Plan. There are also hydrotherapy beds, a Jacuzzi, onsen, indoor gym, reading room, aerobics area, club house, and piano room that can be appreciated by the condominium inhabitants. Occupants will definitely find their stay in the condominium worth-remembering. The location is also near the Tampines Mall where inhabitants can go shopping. With SantoriniTampines, all your expectations will definitely be achieved just like having a luxurious and comfy living.
Public transit is very accessible in the Santorini New Launch. There will be regular buses that will be venturing from Santorini Condo to any parts of the city; the Tampines West MRT is even a few kilometres away from the condominium. And for those who prefer to drive, they can use the Pan Island Expressway if they're intending to go to city proper. People who are living in SantoriniTampines can easily reach the other locations of the city without dealing with too much problems with this travelling comfort.
MMC Land is the creator of The Santorini. To be given with the complete information regarding the price structure, plot areas, Santorini Floor Plan, and Santorini Site Plan, you can check out the official website of the Santorini Condo. The important points that will be provided here will assist you to decide if owning one will make a good investment or not. Talk to your family and determine if you would like to have a unit in this incredible housing development.
[http://www.the-santorini-condo.com {santorini|the santorini|santorini condo|santorini site plan|santorini floor plan|santorini new launch|santorini tampines] | [http://www.the-santorini-condo.com {santorini|the santorini|santorini condo|santorini site plan|santorini floor plan|santorini new launch|santorini tampines]
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