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DEAR ABBY: Im not proud to write this,<a href=" " target="_blank">cheap retro jordans< a>, but I dont like my son-in-law. I think the feeling is mutual. Hes arrogant and thinks he knows everything. My daughter and I had a close bond before she married him. That quickly changed. She barely comes to my house anymore, and I dont see my grandkids as often as Id like. I dont have a car (Im working on that), and I rely on them for transportation. I dont like going to their house because I dont feel wanted. I tolerate my son-in-law because I know my daughter loves him and I try hard to stay out of their business. What advice can you offer me? — WISHING THINGS WERE BETTER DEAR WISHING: Has it occurred to you that your daughter may be hurt or uncomfortable because she knows you dislike her husband? If he makes your daughter happy and is a good father to your grandchildren, give him points for that,<a href=" " target="_blank">cheap jordan shoes< a>, and be glad you arent the one who has to live with him. You dont have to love him,<a href=" " target="_blank">cheap air jordans< a>, but you must maintain a cordial relationship if only for your daughters sake. Keep working on getting that car so youll have your own transportation when you need it, and your visit wont be perceived as an imposition. DEAR ABBY: My son is angry to the point of rage that my daughter is dating his best friend,<a href=" " target="_blank">cheap jordans for sale< a>, “Ron.” He says his sister “betrayed him” because when she and Ron broke up,<a href=" " target="_blank">cheap jordans< a>, she promised never to date another of his friends again, but went back to dating Ron. He also blames my husband and me for encouraging them. They are only 18 months apart in age. We have shared that we understand his feelings of loss regarding his friend, but we dont think theres anything wrong with her dating Ron. I dont think anything will make him feel better except them breaking up again, and that doesnt look like it will happen. My son is 22 and my daughter is 20. This is ruining the once close-knit family we had. Any advice you can offer would be appreciated. — MESS ON THE EAST COAST DEAR MESS: Your son may be 22, but he needs to grow up. If he values his friendship with Ron, he will have to accept that he cannot control the love lives of others, and the person he is punishing with the stance he has taken is himself. Its time for you to step back. You and your spouse will be better off if you stop allowing your adult sons tantrum(s) to affect you. DEAR ABBY: While dining in a fancy restaurant recently,<a href=" " target="_blank">real cheap jordans retro< a>, I noticed a woman sitting a few tables away who had a number of tattoos on her arms and elsewhere. When she came by, I politely asked her what one of them meant. My wife was furious! Did I do something wrong? — INQUIRING QUESTION DEAR INQUIRING: Tattoos often have deeply personal meanings to the wearer. Although some individuals might welcome the opportunity to explain them to a stranger, others would not because the tat may commemorate a very personal — or sad — milestone. Your wife may have become upset because she felt the question was presumptuous. Write to Dear Abby at DearAbby or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069.<ul>
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Revision as of 01:27, 5 April 2017

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