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<p>Although Ping Yuqin then Secretary Health Service, but the arrangement is a need for a more political Ping Yuqin basically does not usually interfere in the specific business health bureau. Guo Penghui positive heading with great difficulty, and no one thought would be such a situation is naturally somewhat depressed, said: go, now it is about people drinking at night <strong>michael kors outlet online</strong> please ! Zeng Yi waved, said : not today, CMC has a cocktail reception in the evening, referral stars Lake project, michael kors outlet have attended ! Guo Penghui one is laughing, his white matter how much sun to understand some of the high-tech park, the heart depressed degree Zeng Yi, fear is no less than yourself, he said: the right of the big stage crushed to death ah !</p><p>Zeng Yi waved, said : That little talk, <strong>michael kors australia</strong> have to go up ! OK, another day together again ! Guo Penghui helpless smile, bow got into his car. According to Hu Kaiwen mean, evening cocktail party, was placed in the banquet hall Purple sea Purple Hills Court, which is the city 's most upscale white male reception place of. At this magnificent banquet hall, bright lights, covered with red tablecloths sè long table filled with all kinds of wine and food are free for guests to enjoy, 200 guests on the shuttle, holding a cup with their colleagues laughing.</p><p>Gu Xiankun stood in the corner of Zeng chuckle : SUN Da less influence, really extraordinary ah. Zeng Yi smiled, but did not get in a word, these businessmen are going to mix in South River, the governor of the son 's face, nature is necessary to give the. Li Wei was this time over, said : Zeng Hu mayor to! Zeng Yi to put down, followed by Wei Ying was out, just left of the Purple House, to see Hu Kaiwen go down in the car. Zeng two steps forward, greeted. Hu Kaiwen today wearing a new suit, her hair Youguangshuihua, shoes polished, look great spirit, <strong>michael kors outlet</strong> did not tell Zeng more polite, but whispered: Xiao Zeng, how about the situation inside ?</p>
<p>Although Ping Yuqin then Secretary Health Service, but the arrangement is a need for a more political Ping Yuqin basically does not usually interfere in the specific business health bureau. Guo Penghui positive heading with great difficulty, and no one thought would be such a situation is naturally somewhat depressed, said: go, now it is about people drinking at night <strong>michael kors outlet online</strong> please ! Zeng Yi waved, said : not today, CMC has a cocktail reception in the evening, referral stars Lake project, michael kors outlet have attended ! Guo Penghui one is laughing, his white matter how much sun to understand some of the high-tech park, the heart depressed degree Zeng Yi, fear is no less than yourself, he said: the right of the big stage crushed to death ah !</p><p>Zeng Yi waved, said : That little talk, <strong>michael kors australia</strong> have to go up ! OK, another day together again ! Guo Penghui helpless smile, bow got into his car. According to Hu Kaiwen mean, evening cocktail party, was placed in the banquet hall Purple sea Purple Hills Court, which is the city 's most upscale white male reception place of. At this magnificent banquet hall, bright lights, covered with red tablecloths sè long table filled with all kinds of wine and food are free for guests to enjoy, 200 guests on the shuttle, holding a cup with their colleagues laughing.</p><p>Gu Xiankun stood in the corner of Zeng chuckle : SUN Da less influence, really extraordinary ah. Zeng Yi smiled, but did not get in a word, these businessmen are going to mix in South River, the governor of the son 's face, nature is necessary to give the. Li Wei was this time over, said : Zeng Hu mayor to! Zeng Yi to put down, followed by Wei Ying was out, just left of the Purple House, to see Hu Kaiwen go down in the car. Zeng two steps forward, greeted. Hu Kaiwen today wearing a new suit, her hair Youguangshuihua, shoes polished, look great spirit, <strong>michael kors outlet</strong> did not tell Zeng more polite, but whispered: Xiao Zeng, how about the situation inside ?</p>
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Revision as of 07:27, 28 January 2015

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