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($8.95) - tend to run on the sweet side. < p>
<p>I also couldn't quite figure out Champa's spiciness levels. Servers either gave a range of mild, medium or hot, or asked what was preferred on a scale of one to five chile peppers,<a href=" " target="_blank">cheap jordans for sale< a>, five being the hottest. < p>
<p>And yet, a dish that was requested mild, read back as two chile peppers, came out so spicy that I was looking for the nearest fire extinguisher. Another time, mild was barely noticeable. And more often than not,cheap jordans for sale, descriptions of spicier dishes like pad kea moa, also known as drunken noodles ($7.95), gave no indication of the firepower they held. < p>
<p>For now, Champa doesn't yet have an alcohol license. Service is also working out some kinks - once, a dish showed up that we didn't order - but food always came out promptly.< p>
<p>And while some of the dishes may cost a few dollars more in San Francisco than in Oakland, the savings of a bridge toll and a trip across the bay are more than worth it. < p>
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<p>FED FEARS: The main reason behind the widespread selling in markets over the past couple of sessions is a growing fear that the U.S. Federal Reserve may be nearer to raising rates again than previously thought. Investors seized on remarks Friday by Fed Bank of Boston President Eric Rosengren that there's a case to be made for the U.S. central bank to raise rates sooner rather than later — low rates have helped extend the stock market rally. The Fed, which last raised rates at the end<ul>
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<p itemprop="articleBody"> Meanwhile,<a href=" " target="_blank">cheap jordans< a>, authorities continue to interview other Stanford officials. Stanford Financial board member James Stanford, the 81-year-old father of Allen, was interviewed by SEC officials earlier this week. < p>
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<p itemprop="articleBody"> Fellow board member Robert S. Winter, 84, told ABC News Thursday he has retained a lawyer, in expectation of meeting with the SEC. < p>
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<h2>Stanford Accused of Swindling $8 Billion< h2>
<p itemprop="articleBody"> Stanford was located by FBI officials last week and served with civil papers by the SEC, putting an end to a nationwide search. < p>
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<p itemprop="articleBody"> Stanford later turned in his passport to federal prosecutors, saying &quot;he would not flee,&quot; according to one of Stanford's lobbyists, Ben Barnes. < p>
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