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The moment your thyroid is low, your metabolism as well. I began to ask myself whether I'd be able to lose weight since it seemed as if I was gaining weight so easily
I picked up a new pair of jeans because my old ones were now too tight ... Just a few weeks later I realized they didn't fit. I decided to do something about my health when I saw this weight gain was happening so fast.
I didn't get going just because of my rapid weight gain. My eye were puffy, my skin was very dry, my hair was falling out of control also, but the most terrible thing about it was the weakness.
Doing any kind of exercise was hard because I had zero energy. Unless they have hypothyroidism themselves, people don't seem to comprehend this situation. We are not lazy !
When dealing with hypothyroidism, I've found these two ways to be most effective to lose weight: juicing, and fasting.
Many recommended I try all kinds of diets like paleo diet, 80/10/10 diet, among many others. I was also told about all kinds of supplements for your thyroid, but most are not needed and too expensive
A better alternative that doesn't even cost money is fasting !! What's best it actually is financially economical!
You will find various methods to fast, but the way that I started was to do a juice fast.
I basically went as many days as I possibly could without eating solid food and having just some kind of green juice or red juice.
I started out with a goal to do it right for 3 days, but after those three days I saw the advantage of going total week. Before I knew it, I went to the trouble of doing plenty of green juicing over a period of 90-days !!
Or a the beginning of my journey and how I lost weight.
The green juices were made with:
2 green apples
4 leaves of kale
1 cup of baby spinach
1 medium cucumber
My red juices were the simple type of ABC juice:
It's important to know that beets are powerful and that I always buy organic food. If you haven't suffered a beet juice before, I recommend you employ only a little amount to build and start up.
This was something that I started doing without thinking of lose weight. It was eventually even more of a detox program I desired to do and weight loss was simply a by product.
Those also set the inspiration actions you need to take what I actually needed to give to sway you of my thyroid.
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G7RGmBTge3s I have hypothyroidism and can't lose weight]
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